Managing NM's Natural and Working Lands for Carbon Benefit

The Nature Conservancy in New Mexico and Colorado are collaborating on a project funded by the bipartisan U.S. Climate Alliance (USCA) that will explore how we can tackle climate change with land-based approaches to sequester and stabilize carbon.

Using the best available data to inform our modeling approach, TNC will estimate the increased carbon sequestration and avoided emissions through conservation and land management practices on forests and agricultural working lands. 

Key to this work is the engagement of technical and policy stakeholders to help prioritize which of these practices are evaluated for their potential carbon benefit. It is our hope that these science-based results and the stakeholder engagement will inform investment in state and local climate action policies.


How to contribute your expertise

If you missed the workshop, you can watch the full recording, or if you just need a reminder you can download the presentation slides from our January 12, 2021 workshop.


Below is table of draft “pathways” that will be considered for modeling. We will not be able to model all the potential pathways and would like to reduce the list based on feasibility of adoption. For example, we do not want to model a pathway that is unlikely to be adopted.
